IJA Number: 2552
Entrance Exams, Rosters, Student Test Scores, Frank Iny, Shamash Secondary, and Menahem S. Daniel’s Schools
These are archival documents from the Frank Iny, Shamash Secondary, and Menahem S. Daniel’s schools in Baghdad. They contain correspondence regarding student affairs; ledgers of student exam scores for all schools, 1957-1965 and 1970; class rosters for the Frank Iny sixth primary, 1959-1963; and the following exams: Frank Iny School entrance exam to the first intermediate level for English, French, mathematics, and calculus, 1959-1966; Frank Iny primary school exam for mathematics and calculus, 1965; Shamash Secondary School entrance exam to the fourth year for mathematics and English literature, 1962-1965. Exams are written in English, Arabic and French.