IJA Number: 3738
Two editions of the Iraqi Government Newspaper, Al-Waqā’i‘ al-‘Irāqiyah, Containing Laws
This is a printing of the official newspaper of the government of Iraq, Al-Waqā’i‘ al-‘Irāqiyah, published by the Office of General Publicity. It is number 2271 and the beginning of number 2272. It contains: Law 87/1973, an amendment to the Unified Labor Code law 151/1970; Law 702/1973, regarding the Agrarian Reform law 117/1970; Instructions for Law 71/1973, which amend instructions 9/1970, pertaining to the Agricultural Council; Law 89/1973, amending the 54/1952 law on Tobacco; and Law 44/1973, related to law 63/1958 on borrowing and issuing treasury bonds. There are also government announcements, lists of political appointees and retirees to various government ministries, and changes in policy at various government agencies.